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Phoenix Lord Karandras



    Karandras is one of the Eldar Phoenix Lords. Each Phoenix Lord is the master of one of the Aspect Temples. No one knows where Karandras originally came from, but it is known that he was not the first Exarch of the Striking Scorpions.

    The Karandras model is an unusual-looking addition to an Eldar collection. He possesses a thick scorpion claw which contains an in-built shuriken pistol, and a long, segmented helmet featuring mandi-blasters. The helmet is topped with gems and features a long plume. He carries a chainsword that displays Eldar symbols, and also carries plasma grenades.

    This pack contains Phoenix Lord Karandras - a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes in two components, and is supplied with a 25mm round base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Super Glue and Citadel Paints.

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